Meriam's compact, M1500 Digital Pressure Transmitters are ideal
for pressure measurement needs from 10" H20 to 3000 PSI Full Scale.
Output options include digital (RS-232, RS-485 and USB) or analogue
(mA or V DC). Choose from differential (dry/dry or wet/wet), gauge,
compound or absolute pressure types
Typical NIST traceable digital accuracy is ±0.025% of F.S.
including all effects of linearity, repeatability, hysteresis and
temperature from -20º to +50º C .
Analog output accuracy is typically ±0.035% of F.S. The user
may configure the M1500 for 0 - 5 VDC or 4 - 20 mA output. Two SPST
alarm switches are included.
- +/-0.025% F.S. Digital
- 4-20 mA (2-wire)
- 0-5 V (3-wire)
- Switches (3, 4-wire)
- +/-0.035% F.S. Analogue
- NIST Traceable
Over - pressure:
DN sensors: 2x range when pressurized on P1
(HI) side only, 150 PSI when applied simultaneously to P1 (HI)
& P2 (LO) sides.
DI sensors: 3x range when pressurized on P1 (HI)
side only, 3x range or 150 PSI (whichever is less) on P2 (LO) side
only, 1000 PSI when applied simultaneously to P1 (HI) & P2 (LO)
GI, CI & AI sensors: 2x range
Media Compatibility
DN sensors: Non-isolated for clean, dry,
non-corrosive gases only (Brass, 316L SS, Silicon gel)
DI sensors: Isolated for fluids compatible with
316L SS and Viton®
GI, CI, AI sensors: Isolated for fluids
compatible with 316L SS
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